Uber and Lyft in San Francisco
This is an estimate of the number of TNC (Uber and Lyft) pickups and dropoffs
in San Francisco—by location and by time of day.
- Uber and Lyft trips are combined.
- Only rides that are entirely within the city limits are counted.
- Data is averaged from several weeks in fall 2016.
- Darker colors & taller bars mean more trips to/from an area.
- The map is divided into "Transportation Analysis Zones" (TAZs), which are individual blocks
in the downtown core and groups of blocks farther out.
How to use this map
Click any block to see the pickups and dropoffs for that area.
You can pick different days of the week and times of day on the right panel.
Left-click and drag to pan the map |
Mouse wheel changes zoom |
Switch to 3D mode! Right-click and drag to change 3D view. |